Sony Health Insurance Society

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(Reference) Category 3 Insured Persons under the National Pension System

Category 3 Insured Persons under the National Pension System

This refers to a spouse, aged 20–59, dependent on an employee covered by an employees’pension or mutual aid association (a Category 2 Insured Person under the National Pension System). In principle, the spouse must be a dependent for health insurance purposes. Accordingly, when applying for or cancelling certification as a health insurance dependent, please also submit an application related to the status of a Category 3 Insured Person under the National Pension System.

Category 3 Insured Persons under the National Pension System do not need to pay National Pension premiums.

Cases in which the spouse is not regarded as a Category 3 Insured Person under the National Pension System:

  • (1)Spouse younger than 20 or older than 59
  • (2)Spouse with annual income of 1.3 million yen or more (not eligible to become a health insurance dependent)
  • (3)Spouse who is covered by an employees’ pension or mutual aid association pension
  • (4)Time during which the person receives unemployment benefits (unless daily benefits are less than 3,612 yen)