Sony Health Insurance Society

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Removing a family member from your list of dependents

Dependent qualification will be canceled in the following cases

  • The family member becomes an insured person under another health insurance plan; for example, he or she begins working.
  • The family member no longer meets any of the requirements for dependent certification.
    (For example, his or her income exceeds the indicated income status; he or she begins to receive unemployment benefits under employment insurance; or he or she and the insured person divorce.)
  • The dependent dies.
  • The insured person is disqualified due to retirement or death.

When to submit notice

Immediately from the day on which the reason for disqualification emerges

  • * The dependent will no longer be covered by health insurance from the date on which his or her qualification is canceled.
    Persons meeting the descriptions under 2 and 4 above should promptly undertake procedures to join another health insurance plan.