Sony Health Insurance Society

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After you leave your employer

You will lose your eligibility for membership in the Health Insurance Society after you leave your employer. Join the appropriate medical care insurance system based on your needs and circumstances.

When you leave your employer (loss of eligibility)

Required documents?(to be returned):
  • Health insurance cards (for the insured person and all dependents, until December 1, 2025)
  • Elderly benefits card, Eligibility Verification Certificate, etc. (if issued)
  • Certificate of Application of Maximum Copayment Amount (if issued)
  • Certificates Issued for Specific Disease Treatment (if issued)
Deadline: Within five days after the date of loss of eligibility
Applies to: Insured persons leaving employment and their dependents
Address inquiries to: See here.

Joining the Voluntary Continuation Health Insurance System

Required documents:
Deadline: Within 20 days from the day after the date on which you left the company
Applies to: Insured persons who have been insured continuously for at least two months prior to leaving employment
Address inquiries to: Sony Health Insurance Society
Notes: See here if you want to change how you pay your insurance premiums midterm.
  1. STEP1

    Submit the “Application to Join the Voluntary Continuation Health Insurance System” to the Sony Health Insurance Society.


    • * Submit the application to the Sony Health Insurance Society directly. (Complete procedures within 20 calendar days from the day after the date on which you leave the company; the application must be received during this period.)
    • * Carefully read the front of the application and make sure you understand it before checking the relevant boxes and signing and affixing your official seal.
    • * Don’t forget to affix your official seal to the back of the application and to choose how you wish to pay the insurance premiums (monthly payment, semiannual prepayment, or annual prepayment).
  2. STEP2

    After receiving notification from your previous employer that you have left the company, the Sony Health Insurance Society will send your health insurance card, insurance premium invoice, and other documents.


    • * Procedures will begin following confirmation that you have left your previous company (i.e., lost health insurance coverage).
    • * A set of related documents will be sent to your home address. This includes your health insurance card under the Voluntary Continuation Health Insurance System and an insurance premium invoice based on the insurance premium payment method (monthly payment, semiannual prepayment, or annual prepayment) you chose when applying.
  3. STEP3

    Remit your insurance premiums to the bank account designated by the Sony Health Insurance Society.


    • * Remit your insurance premiums to the bank account designated by the Sony Health Insurance Society by the payment deadline indicated on the invoice (payment must be received by the deadline).
    • * Be sure to enter the name of the insured person as the name of the remitting party. You are responsible for any remittance fees.
    • * Pay any remittance fees incurred yourself.
    • * Note that your eligibility will be canceled if remittance is not received by the deadline.

* Note: Measures to reduce National Health Insurance premiums

Measures have been implemented to reduce National Health Insurance premiums. Under these measures, those who lose their jobs due to the bankruptcy of their employer or layoffs or to an employer’s decision not to renew an employment contract will be deemed to have income equal to 30% of their salary income in the previous year for the period starting from the day after the date of loss of employment through the end of the following fiscal year.

For those who are eligible, joining the National Health Insurance system may reduce the health insurance premiums they pay. If you would like to check your premiums under National Health Insurance before joining the Voluntary Continuation Health Insurance System, contact your municipal government before remitting a premium payment. (You must apply to your municipal government to use these measures to reduce National Health Insurance premiums.)

Joining the Sony Health Insurance Society’s Special-Case Retirees System

Required documents:
  • Certificate of residence (showing all members of the applicant’s household)

[To be submitted by those applying who have reached the age of eligibility for joining the Special-Case Retired Individuals Medical Care System (age at which payment of old-age employees’ pension benefits begins)]

  • One of the following: copy of pension claim form, copy of regular notice of pension coverage *1, or copy of estimation results *1, 2
    • *1: If printed from Nenkin Net, also attach a copy of the notice of basic pension no.
    • *2: Estimation results may be issued by the nearest pension office or printed from Nenkin Net.
[To be submitted only by those claiming pension payment at early ages]
  • Copy of claim form for early payment of pension benefits (bearing the Received stamp of the pension office)
  • Copy of your Employees’ Pension Insurance pension certificate
[To be submitted only by those applying after retiring from an employer other than a Sony Health Insurance Society member establishment]
  • Original certificate of loss of health insurance eligibility
Deadline: For more information, see here
Applies to: Recipients of old age (retirement) pension or aggregate old age (retirement) pension benefits who have been members of the Sony Health Insurance Society for at least 20 years in total (or 10 years since age 40. This includes periods of membership in the Sony Sales Health Insurance Society, the Aiwa Health Insurance Society, and the Display Technology Health Insurance Society.)
Address inquiries to: Sony Health Insurance Society
Notes: [To be submitted by those applying after retiring from an employer other than a Sony Health Insurance Society member establishment and adding one or more dependent family members at the time of joining]
  • Income certificate for insured person (copy of estimation results, copy of notice of pension remittance, copy of final income tax return, etc.)

When you join National Health Insurance system

Required documents:
One of the following:
  • Copy of your driver’s license
  • Copy of your certificate of residence
Deadline: Deadline for submission: none
Applies to: Insured persons who have left the company and dependents
Address inquiries to: Sony Health Insurance Society
  • The certificate will be issued after the Sony Health Insurance Society receives a notice of loss of coverage from your employer (company).
  • This request can be used to have a certificate issued for the insured person and dependents who lost coverage at the same time (you can specify who is to be covered by the certificate).
  • You can download a certificate of loss of health insurance eligibility from My Page after logging in using the insured person’s login ID and password.
    There is no need to submit the Certificate Issue Request when you download the certificate from My Page.