Sony Health Insurance Society

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When an application related to the status of a Category 3 Insured Person under the National Pension System is required

When an application related to the status of a Category 3 Insured Person under the National Pension System is required

An application must be submitted to your establishment separately from health insurance procedures in the following cases:

  • When applying to name your new spouse following marriage as your dependent under a public pension scheme (Category 3 Insured Person)
  • When applying to name your spouse (Category 3 Insured Person) as your dependent because he or she left his or her job
  • When applying to name your spouse (Category 3 Insured Person) as your dependent because he or she no longer receives unemployment benefits
  • When your spouse (Category 3 Insured Person) is no longer your dependent because he or she has become a Category 1 Insured Person under the National Pension System due to an increase in income, divorce, or other reason
  • If your spouse (Category 3 Insured Person) has died
  • If the terms and provisions of your spouse’s (Category 3 Insured Person) pension booklet has been revised
Required documents:
[Documents to attach]
  • A copy of your spouse’s (Category 3 Insured Person) pension booklet (the page showing his or her basic pension no.)
  • A copy of your spouse’s (Category 3 Insured Person) health insurance card issued after certification as a Sony Health Insurance Society dependent
When applying upon termination of receipt of unemployment benefits (employment insurance)
  • A copy of the certificate of eligibility for employment insurance benefits (both sides)
[Documents required depending on the health insurance card code]
[As necessary]
Notes: Other documents may be required as well. Check with the social insurance staff at your establishment.
* If your spouse’s (Category 3 Insured Person) address has changed
Required documents:

submit to

health insurance card code number submit to
101、302、318、336、341、349、350、361、370、379、404、411、422、430、435、705、706、709、711、728、729、735、738、760 19th Floor, Sony City, 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075
Sony People Solutions Inc.
Welfare Section
HR Operation Solution Department
To: Staff responsible for social insurance
In case other than those above Submit to the social insurance staff at your establishment with the “Certificate Issue Request” attached.